The name of this organization shall be Dove Creek Neighborhood Association Incorporated. It is a non-profit corporation operating in the state of Texas.
The purpose of the DCNA is to promote the interests, friendship, safety, and general well-being of all the residents of the Dove Creek subdivision.
Sec 1: Membership eligibility is open to all residents of the Dove Creek Subdivision who reside on the following streets:
1. Deerfoot Circle
2. Deerfoot Drive
3. Dove Creek Drive
4. Dove Haven Drive
5. Quail Creek Circle
6. Quail Creek Drive
7. Rabbit Run
8. Ridgecrest Drive
9. White Wing Way
Sec 2: If membership dues are current, each household shall have one voting membership.
The dues shall be $25.00 per year, payable in October. The dues will be based on a per-household basis, and will not be refunded.
Sec 1: The elected officers are President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The term of office shall be one year.
Sec 2: No officer shall serve more than two consecutive terms in the same office, and there shall be only one officer per household at one time.
Sec 3: Any active member can be nominated for an officer position by any other active member. Vote is carried by a simple majority of members present at the meeting.
Sec 4: The vote will be by verbal ballot.
Sec 5: New officers will be installed immediately after the election.
Sec 6: Vacancies occurring from the resignation of officers will be filled by a vote of a majority of the active membership present, except for the office of President, which will be filled by the Vice President.
Sec 7: In addition to the above elected officers, Area Block Captains will be appointed by residents in their respective areas to serve as part of the Executive Committee. The number of Area Block Captains, and their area boundaries, will be determined by the Executive Committee.
Sec 1: President – Presides over meetings, enforces rules, appoints standing committee chairpersons, is ex-officio member of all committees except the nominating committee.
Sec 2: Vice President – Assumes the duties of the President in case of absence of the President, is membership chairperson and compiles a membership directory.
Sec 3: Secretary – Records the minutes of the Club and Executive Committee meetings, conducts general correspondence for the Committee meetings, conducts general correspondence for the Association as directed by the President, and is chairperson for the Association newsletter.
Sec 4: Treasurer – Collects dues, prepares a budget, keeps records on monies spent and collected, handles the checking account and presents a financial report at Association meetings.
Sec 1: The Executive Committee shall consist of all elected officers and the appointed Area Block Captains. The past President shall be a non-voting member of the committee.
Sec 2: The Executive Committee shall meet at least one week prior to the general meetings. The meeting date may be changed with the general consent of the committee.
Sec 3: Six members shall constitute a quorum at these meetings. A vote carries with a majority of those present.
Sec 4: A special Executive Committee meeting can be called at the request of three Committee members.
Sec 1: The general meetings will be held on the first Thursday of the months of October, April and August.
Sec 2: In case of conflict, the Executive Committee may change the dates of the general meetings, providing due notice is given.
Sec 3: A vote is carried by a simple majority of those members present.
Sec 4: Special meeting, to include all members, may be called by a majority of the Executive Committee, or by a request of ten percent of the general membership.
Sec 5: Any positions taken regarding issues to be presented to any governing agencies shall have approval of a simple majority of the active membership.
These By-laws may be amended at any general meeting of the Association by simple majority of the active membership, to include vote signed proxy, provided notice of the proposed amendment has been given at least two weeks prior to voting thereto. The Constitution and By-laws will be reviewed every other year to ensure that they reflect the objectives and needs of the Association.
The Association shall be governed by the By-laws contained within and by the orderly majority at all meetings.